28 Mar Statesboro Citywide Housing Study

Location: Bulloch County, GA
Client: The City of Statesboro, GA
Services provided: Comprehensive Citywide Housing Market Study, Needs Analysis, and Strategy Development
The City of Statesboro Citywide Housing Study and Needs Analysis
The Statesboro Housing Study
In 2020, Statesboro, GA, retained KB Advisory Group (KB) for a housing market study. The firm’s Comprehensive Citywide Housing Market Study, Needs Analysis, and Strategy Development focused on the current housing inventory across several dimensions. They were owner vs. renter, attached vs. detached, affordable and workforce housing, rental, and for-sale market-rate housing. KB determined the range of housing options needed for the downtown district in the future.
An Observation
KB finds that housing assessments often have dual purposes. First, the technical aspect provides sufficient data points and fascinating insights into the local residential marketplace. That can inform and enhance the decision-making processes for housing. The second purpose is communication. It gives staff the tools and information to communicate the rationale for important land use and housing policies to elected officials and constituents.
Statesboro’s Comprehensive Citywide Study
KB conducted the Statesboro Comprehensive Citywide Housing Market Study, Needs Analysis, and Strategy Development, aware of the need for a more comprehensive look at the housing market. That included assessing the needs for affordable and workforce, market-rate, rental, and for-sale housing—also, the impact of Georgia Southern University’s Statesboro Campus. The complete look at the overall market helped the City of Statesboro better understand how all the issues relate and devise strategies to address them.
KB’s College Town Assessments
Like KB’s other college town assessments, the Statesboro housing study looks at the possible impact of current and future residential market trends on the city in the coming years. The firm’s research, assessments, and conclusions give Statesboro leadership vital inputs for future land use, planning, and real estate development policy decisions. Most importantly, the city’s future housing needs across various home types, orientations, and target markets.
One KB finding of note was Georgia Southern University’s dominant role in the local Statesboro economy. That factor leads to much higher than usual rates of rental housing, even when compared to other Georgia college towns. The result is a limited supply of owner-occupied units. Another finding; in Statesboro’s housing market, most new housing is at price points appropriate for middle-income households. The lack of diversity provided at different price points leaves a gap at the highest and lowest end of the housing market.
Recommendations for Statesboro
The firm’s strategic recommendations for Statesboro covered Incremental Development, a Subdivision Incentive Review, Redevelopment, and Placemaking. Most fell under the Expanding Housing Affordability umbrella, including incentives, leveraging assets, and amending development standards. They intend to address the lack of new housing accessible to lower-income families In Statesboro.
Live link to KB’s Statesboro Comprehensive Citywide Housing Market Study, Needs Analysis, and Strategy Development
See this Case Study Overview for more on KB’s College Town Housing Studies.