28 Mar KB’s College Town Experience
Location: Georgia
Client: Multiple cities
Services provided: Citywide Housing and Rental Housing Market Studies, Needs Analyses, and Strategy Development
KB’s College Town Housing Study Experience
KB Advisory Group (KB) has completed dozens of city and countywide housing studies for local jurisdictions, numerous housing analyses for public sector small-area plans, and private developer site-specific feasibility reports. Recent housing analysis has taken place in cities with a significant university presence, adding to the complexities of a local housing market. In each “College Town” study, the firm helped city governments better understand the role of college student housing demand in their particular need and develop strategies to help maximize opportunities.
2022 City of Dahlonega
In 2022, KB assessed Dahlonega’s housing needs and goals. The firm addressed the current housing market, affordability, availability, and the unique characteristics impacting Dahlonega. Multiple aspects of the city attract a varied audience seeking housing opportunities. It includes the University of North Georgia students, faculty and staff, tourists, the local workforce, second-home buyers, and full-time residents. KB’s work provides perspective on the impact of current and future residential market trends over the coming years. The study’s research, evaluation, and conclusions provide critical inputs for future land use, planning, and real estate development policy decisions.
2021 City of Carrollton
KB’s 2021 citywide study provided Carrollton’s leadership perspective on housing. The housing research, gap analysis, and conclusions identified the impact of current and future residential market trends on Carrollton. The city faces an intriguing combination of housing issues related to aging housing stock, an aging population, and growing senior housing needs. It also experiences University of West Georgia student rental housing demands and questions about future non-student, for-sale single-family housing. KB’s independent, comprehensive look at the local housing marketplace, stakeholder interviews, and peer cities assessment led to a qualitative “on-the-ground” understanding of local housing preferences and relationships.
Comparative Analysis
Prior KB studies in Milledgeville and Statesboro allowed a comparative analysis of Georgia’s “college towns.” In particular, the mix of housing that best achieves a successful balance in the local housing market for those communities. Interviews with local land-use officials, real estate professionals, apartment community managers, area developers, major employers, and other stakeholders provided local context and feedback.
Assessing price points and housing needs based on householder age helped KB devise strategies to address those variables. The Carrollton Study considered citywide economic and demographic drivers of non-student and rental housing needs. That ensures the city’s land-use policies and regulatory framework align with its long-range opportunities and goals.
Live link to KB’s Carrollton Housing Deliverable
2021 City of Statesboro
KB conducted the 2021 Statesboro Comprehensive Citywide Housing Market Study, Needs Analysis, and Strategy Development, recognizing the need for a more comprehensive look at the housing market. That effort included assessing the needs for affordable, workforce, market-rate housing, rental, and for-sale housing. The firm also explored the impact of Georgia Southern University’s Statesboro Campus. The independent, comprehensive look at the overall market helped Statesboro better understand how all the issues are related and devise strategies to address them. The KB Statesboro Housing Study provides a perspective on how current and future residential market trends will impact the city over the coming years.
2019 City of Milledgeville
KB performed a market study to assist Milledgeville in preparing a Citywide Housing Needs Assessment. The firm’s work offered insights into the impacts of current and future residential market trends over the coming years. Milledgeville deals with on and off-campus student housing growth at Georgia College & State University. The research, analysis, and conclusions in KB’s 2019 Citywide Rental Housing Needs Assessment guide Milledgeville’s housing policy in a location relentlessly impacted by university students’ presence. Live link to local coverage of community thoughts on the Milledgeville Citywide Rental Housing Needs Assessment
Campus Adjacent Residential for the Medical College of Georgia Foundation
The Medical College of Georgia Foundation (MCGF) engaged KB to assess a sizeable mixed-use development project’s market potential and financial feasibility. The firm completed Campus-Adjacent Residential and Mixed-Use Market Analysis and Implementation Assistance in 2017. The project addressed residential rental components on foundation-owned land adjacent to Augusta University, formerly Georgia Regents University. KB‘s work included creating a detailed proforma to determine the foundation’s potential financial returns from the mixed-use project.