28 Mar Carrollton Citywide Housing Study
Location: Carroll County, GA
Client: The City of Carrollton, Georgia
Services provided: Comprehensive Citywide Housing Market Study, Needs Analysis, and Strategy Development
City of Carrollton, Georgia – Citywide Housing Study and Needs Analysis
In 2021, Carrollton engaged KB Advisory Group (KB) to conduct a Comprehensive Citywide Housing Market Study. The city faces an intriguing combination of housing issues related to aging housing stock, an aging population, and growing senior housing needs. It also experiences University of West Georgia student rental housing demands and questions about future non-student, for-sale single-family housing.
The aim of the Carrollton Study
The firm’s look at the local housing marketplace was comprehensive and independent. Stakeholder interviews and peer city assessments led to a qualitative “on-the-ground” understanding of local housing preferences and relationships. The citywide housing research, gap analysis, and conclusions offered leadership a perspective on the impact of current and future residential market trends on Carrollton. KB’s research, assessments, and findings provide vital inputs for future land use, planning, and real estate development policy decisions—notably, the city’s future housing needs across various home types, orientations, and target markets.
Peer Cities Assessment for Carrollton
KB referenced earlier studies of the cities of Milledgeville and Statesboro. That allowed for a comparative analysis of Georgia’s “college towns.” In particular, the mix of housing that best achieves a successful balance in the local housing market for those communities. Interviews with local land-use officials, real estate professionals, apartment community managers, area developers, major employers, and other stakeholders provided local context and feedback.
Assessing price points and housing needs based on householder age helped KB devise strategies to address those variables. The Carrollton Study considered citywide economic and demographic drivers of non-student and rental housing needs. That ensures the city’s land-use policies and regulatory framework align with its long-range opportunities and goals.
The Study Results
The Carrollton Study considered citywide economic and demographic drivers of non-student and rental housing needs. The KB study gave staff and elected officials the tools and information they needed to communicate the rationale for important land use and housing policies to constituents. That ensures the city’s land-use policies and regulatory framework align with its long-range opportunities and goals.