24 Jun KB Advisory Group Examines Statesboro’s Housing Market
A recent KB Advisory Group study in Statesboro reveals cost burdens and a student majority....
A recent KB Advisory Group study in Statesboro reveals cost burdens and a student majority....
Geoff Koski to join an esteemed community of nearly 1,500 Regional Leadership Institute alumni....
“To assist with the selection process, Elevate Douglas hired KB Advisory Group to work with staff on creating the RFP and sought input from the development community on its format.” KB Advisory Group is pleased with the forward momentum around the Douglasville Town Center and Amphitheater...
“Our strong reliance on property taxes as a revenue source actually helps us get through these economic ups and downs,” said Geoff Koski, President of KB Advisory Group, in an Atlanta Business Chronicle article on 02.04.2021....
Greetings to all our clients, colleagues, and friends. ...
In August 2019, KB Advisory Group’s Jonathan Gelber participated in the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Advisory Services Panel for Fairplex in Pomona, California. In 2020, ULI released the final report for the panel....
This piece was published in the Saporta Report on June 9, 2020. ULI Atlanta’s Technical Assistance Programs (TAPs), the local advisory services arm of the Urban Land Institute was recently asked to convene a panel through the American Cities Climate Challenge (Climate Challenge), an ambitious commitment...
In May of 2020, Geoff Koski, President of KB Advisory Group, spoke with Ben Brown of Placemakers, about the existing need for innovative affordable housing, retail increasingly moving online, the death of distance in logistics, the working from the home shift, all of which are...
KB Advisory Group President, Geoff Koski, joined the Georgia Conservancy on May 12, 2020, for a Facebook Live discussion on the economic impacts of housing on Georgia's cities and towns. Hosted by the Georgia Conservancy, Geoff Koski and Mill Graves, Director of Economic Development for the...
In April 2020, KB Advisory Group asked "To what depths will the COVID-19 Great Lockdown plunge the Atlanta retail market?"...