24 Mar South Main Street LCI

Location: Fulton County, GA
Client: The City of Alpharetta, GA, and the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC)
Lead Consultant: Kimley-Horn with partner TSW
2022 South Main Street Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) for the City of Alpharetta, GA
KB Advisory Group completed the Housing and Market Baseline Findings in 2022. That analysis evaluated demand and delivered a feasibility assessment for multiple uses (type and cost) in the South Main LCI Study Area.
In 2021, the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) awarded the City of Alpharetta a $160,000 grant for the South Main Street Livable Centers Initiative (LCI). The Downtown core has flowered since the Master Plan completion. See KB’s 2015 Alpharetta Downtown Master Plan Case Study. In 2022, the City brought together the consultants that completed the 2015 Downtown Master Plan.
The 2022 South Main LCI
KB worked on the 2022 South Main Street LCI Study with prime Kimley-Horn and partner TSW. The team would help Alpharetta develop a portion of South Main Street into a mixed-use area with similar redevelopment potential. The consultants built on the earlier plan’s successes.
KB’s Role
In addition to public engagement, KB had three major project tasks, including the Baseline Findings for the Housing and Market Analysis. The firm evaluated the demand and delivered a feasibility assessment. It covered housing (by type and cost) and other uses within the South Main LCI Study area.
For the Plan Development, KB looked at competition in districts near the LCI Area and provided an Existing Plan Assessment. KB provided appropriate market and economic development insights for any corresponding placemaking strategies and assisted in delivering the Draft Concept Plan.
The firm led the Economic and Development Strategy process that looked at the characteristics of the LCI area. KB prepared a strategy that supports plan recommendations, helping ensure the proposed plan is realistic and guiding future actions by the City of Alpharetta. The firm continued to lead the Economic and Development portion of the final deliverable, including a summary of the Plan Development process and a prioritized description of economic growth.
The final South Main LCI Supplemental Study document will include an Appendix featuring the fiscal feasibility and a complete market report developed and written by KB.
Live link to KB’s Housing and Market Analysis Baseline Findings
Live link to the KB 2015 Alpharetta Downtown Master Plan Case Study
Learn more at www.alpharetta.ga.us/south-main-lci