27 Mar 2017 North Point LCI

Location: Fulton County, GA
Client: City of Alpharetta, GA
Lead Consultant: Kimley-Horn
2017 North Point LCI
In 2017, the City of Alpharetta received a Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) grant from the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC). The $100,000 award was for the North Point Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) Study.
What were the goals of the LCI Study?
The funds were for a ten-year update to the original 2008 LCI Plan for the North Point area. The City wanted to develop a plan for transforming North Point Parkway. Alpharetta sought a more vibrant mix of businesses and residences around North Point Mall (circa 1993). The focus was walkability and quality retail, allowing people to walk to work, shop, and access transit options. The City of Alpharetta engaged a consulting team to complete a master plan for the North Point Mall area.
What were KB’s responsibilities?
KB Advisory Group conducted a North Point LCI market analysis to support the master plan and implementation. The firm’s effort included several elements. KB reviewed demographic information, including key population and household trends and profiles, generational patterns, and daytime population within the North Point trade and market areas.
Specific North Point LCI tasks included:
- An assessment of the existing 2008 LCI Plan
- A Market and Fiscal Feasibility Analysis for the 2017 LCI Plan
- Input into the Recommendations, Implementation Strategies, and the Five-Year Implementation Plan, for which KB provided 25-year projections.
The firm analyzed the performance of critical real estate product types in the North Point area and projects in the development pipeline. KB looked at the absorption and growth opportunities for each real estate product type to develop demand projections for the next ten years. Finally, KB identified new development best practices, incentives, and other financing mechanisms. They complimented the market analysis and addressed workforce housing, affordability, and walkable, mixed-use development.
See the links below for more about the 2017 North Point Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) Study for the City of Alpharetta, Georgia.