08 May KB Advisory Group receives a CNU Charter Award
In early May of 2017, KB Advisory Group President Geoff Koski participated in CNU 25 in Seattle, along with 1,400 other urbanists from around the world. While there, Geoff picked up a Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) Charter Award on behalf of KB Advisory Group for the firm’s work in helping to formulate the Westside Atlanta Land Use Action Plan. The plan’s creation was lead by Thadani Architects + Urbanists, with Geoff serving as the lead retail market analyst on the team.
CNU convenes a Charter Awards jury of distinguished designers, architects, planners, and scholars who review entries and select winners. Applicants are judged on the extent to which they fulfill and advance the principles of the Charter of the New Urbanism, which defines the essential qualities of outstanding buildings and urban places. The fifteen other projects were also recognized for addressing challenges such as rising sea levels, multimodal planning for transportation, the need to update civic structures such as libraries and city halls, community disruption by major highways, and small-scale interventions to quickly make major roads more walkable.